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Planet Made of Plastic

Non-Profits and Charities

Non-profit/Charity organizations (NPOs) benefit from partnering with OLR in several ways

Enhanced Operational Efficiency

Partnering with OLR provides NPOs with specialized tools designed for efficient litter collection. The Litter Ridder backpack offers organized compartments for gloves, tongs and other essential items, streamlining the clean-up process. This increases operational efficiency, allowing NPOs to conduct more effective and impactful litter clean-up initiatives.


Collaborative Community Efforts

Partnering with OLR opens doors for collaborative community efforts. NPOs can engage with local businesses, schools, and residents to organize joint clean-up events. The provision of Litter Ridder backpacks fosters a sense of unity and common purpose, encouraging wider community involvement and support for NPOs' initiatives.

Increased Volunteer Engagement

The availability of Litter Ridder backpacks can attract and engage volunteers for NPOs' litter clean-up activities. The convenience and practicality of the backpacks make it easier for volunteers to participate, ensuring a more consistent and dedicated volunteer base. This, in turn, expands the reach and impact of NPOs' efforts in keeping communities clean.

Fundraising and Sponsorship Opportunities

Partnering with OLR can create fundraising and sponsorship opportunities for NPOs. NPOs can seek financial support or sponsorships from companies that align with the mission of keeping communities litter-free. The partnership and use of the Litter Ridder can be highlighted in marketing materials and outreach campaigns to attract potential sponsors.

Promoting Environmental Stewardship

Partnering with OLR emphasizes NPOs' commitment to environmental stewardship. By using backpacks designed specifically for litter collection, NPOs demonstrate their dedication to sustainable practices and responsible waste management. This can enhance credibility and attract supporters who share similar values.

Education and Awareness


NPOs can leverage our partnership to raise awareness about the impact of litter and promote responsible waste management practices. By organizing educational workshops or distributing educational materials alongside the backpacks, NPOs can engage the public, schools, and other organizations in discussions and initiatives centered around litter prevention and environmental preservation.

Together We Are Stronger

Partner with OLR

We want to help you help the planet. We want to make your job easier so we are looking for sponsors to supply you with litter collecting tools for free. Let us know if you would like Litter Ridder backpacks for your organization. Give us a shout! 

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