Earth Day 2024 Recap
Sunday, April 21st, 2024
The OLR team & volunteers braved the cold and windy weather to do some good for our planet! We put on our warm coats, strapped on our Litter Ridder backpacks and got to work. We can't thank our volunteers enough for the impact they have made by just dedicating a few hours of their time.
You should all be very proud!
We can't wait to see you again at our next event.
Curious how much litter was collected? Keep scrolling!

How much litter did we collect?
... of discarded coffee cups, plastic bags, cardboard, styrofoam, shoes, tires, clothing, hubcaps, and even a carpet & sewer piping! In other words, we prevented over 1366.87 pounds of litter from pollution our land and waterways. Not to mention giving the local animals a clean environment to live and thrive, safe from harmful plastics.
The day in photos...
Thank You to Our Sponsors
Our event would not have been possible without the help from our AMAZING Sponsors!
Thanks to Liberty Development and WA Health we were able to run a successful event and supply all our volunteers with their own Litter Ridder backpack to take home to continue collecting litter in their communities throughout the year! Thanks to Miller Waste for the bins, collection and the official total weight! Thanks to Fortinos for supplying us all with their delicious pizza and Adidas for some sweet deals on their merch!